Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mother Mother


by Tracy Bonham

Mother mother how's the family?
I'm just calling to say hello.
How's the weather? how's my father?
Am I lonely? heavens no.
Mother mother are ya listening? just a phone call to ease your mind.
Life is perfect, never better, distance making the heart grow fond.

When you sent me off to see the world,
Were you scared that I might get hurt?
Would I try a little tobacco,
Would I keep on hiking up my skirt?

I'm hungry,
I'm dirty,
I'm losing my mind...
Everything's fine!

I'm freezing,
I'm Starving,
I'm Bleeding death...
Everything's fine!

Yeah, I'm working, making money, I'm just starting to build a name.
I can feel it, around the corner, I could make it any day.
Mother mother can you hear me, sure I'm sober, sure I'm sane.
Life is perfect, never better, still your daughter, still the same.

If I tell you what you want to hear,
Will it help you to sleep well at night?
Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear,
Now just cuddle up and sleep tight.

I'm hungry,
I'm dirty,
I'm losing my mind...
Everything's fine!

I'm freezing,
I'm starving,
I'm bleeding to death...
Everything's fine!

I miss you,
I love you.


Belakangan ini gw mulai meninggalkan J-Pop-Mania gw n skrg mulai lbh banyak dengerin lagu2 Barat,terutama dr lagu2 Rock tahun 90an. and then, i found this song - Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham. this song, just ROCKS!XD

and not only that...lagu ini surprisingly bisa menggambarkan dengan cukup akurat,bagaimana komunikasi gw n nyokap gw sekarang.

di lagu ini,si 'daughter' digambarkan menelepon mamanya - cm bwat basa basi dll supaya nyokapnya tenang n bisa tidur pulas di malam hari tanpa harus mengkhawatirkan kondisi anaknya itu.

no matter what happens to her,si 'daughter' selalu bilang '' Everything's fine '' - eventhough she's hungry,dirty,freezing,starving,bleeding to death,losing her mind...but everything's fine!


me too.

slama gw di jerman komunikasi gw sm bonyok gw terbatas pada SMS ato kadang2 chatting setiap akhir minggu (yg bnr2 menguras waktu,krn nyokap gw pas ngetik balasan message di MSNnya bnr lambaaaaaatttttt...1 kalimat 3 menit kali D:), n gw sangat amat jarang sekali telpon ke Indo - krn MAHAL DX lebih sering bonyok gw yg nelpon ke Jerman , itupun cuma kalo ada hal2 penting yg harus segera dibicarakan.

anyway,gw juga selalu ngomong ke bonyok gw 'Everything's Fine' - meski mungkin pada saat itu gw lagi dihadapkan pada suatu masalah yang blum bisa gw pecahkan sendiri. misalnya, sekarang gw sedang struggle karena masalah Visa gw :
Visa gw uda habis masa berlakunya,that means gw harus perpanjang visa gw segera. Problem is, petugas2 kantor perpanjangan visanya MOGOK KERJA krn minta naik gaji DX
akhirnya gw ga bisa perpanjang visa, n harus 'ilegal' di Jerman sampai mogok kerja ini berakhir - yang jangka waktunya masih tidak ditentukan dan dapat terus diperpanjang selama gaji mereka blum dinaikkan. sungguh hina sodara2.wtf D:<

well but anyway, what did i say to my mother? ... 'Everything's Fine'

hm...i wonder,apakah apa yg gw perbuat ini bener ato ga?
...tp menurut gw sih itu hanya 'little white lies'... :D

oh,and another thing that this song DOESN'T picture quite accurately : i'm a BOY, that means i'm not a DAUGHTER from my mom! lol


Anonymous said...

ses, bukankah dengan nulis disini emak anda jadi taw? hihi...

anyway, beban jgn ditanggung sendiri ses, tak baik buat kesehatan jiwa (alah)..

Aldo aka der Hund said...

alah,emak gw ga baca blog gw athu XD

Anonymous said...

nanti saya beritahu ahh..biar emak anda baca..akah

Aldo aka der Hund said...

alah,nyokap gw bahkan mgkn ga tau apa itu 'BLOG' D:

unee said...

Kalo suka Tracy Bonham, coba juga dengerin Melissa Etheridge and K.D Lang.

Just a suggestion, considering that I 'm making a living from playing 80's and 90's songs.


Aldo aka der Hund said...

Melissa Etheridge : SUPER- yg nyanyi I'm The Only One kan?XD
...tp dy kan Lesbo,but whatever -.-

klo KD Lang...well,gw mulai cb2 cari lagunya d,thx for the recommendation ^^