Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chinese New Year ad...


Petronas' Chinese New Year Ad

one commercial about Chinese New Year, that REALLY touched my heart (and made me laugh as well lol)

spot iklan sederhana tp menyentuh :
Ama2 sedang ngumpul2 dan makan bareng...lalu mulailah mereka bergosip ria - n tema favorit (typical Chinese) Ama2 : menggembar-gemborkan ttg kesuksesan anak2nya - anaknya dokter lha, lawyer lha, pinter cari duit lha, dll...and guess what?! DALAM DIALEK HOKKIEN XD

which made me laugh , karena gw bnr2 ngerti setiap kalimat di iklan itu (yeah - wa si Hokkien Lang slash Medan Lang tapi bukan ngko2 Glodok,alah) ,
and yet yes,tiap kali Ama gw ngumpul2 sama tmn2nya dan bergosip - ujung2nya akan muncul juga tema 'my son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter is successful , bla3...' itu.

...i wonder if that's a typical Chinese stereotype?XD

anyway...di ujung commercial itu,muncul sebuah mobil tak jelas dari mana - dan itu ternyata adalah anak cowonya salah satu Ama di iklan itu n anaknya selalu ngunjungin dia dan bawa dia jalan2 sama keluarganya.

well...that's really touching.

coz fact is, i think round 90% of working Chinese DON'T do that - they just visit their family (in this case, mom/dad) on CHinese New Year. On the other day of the year?


the fact that the son visits his mom and takes her around with him in a family-trip , well - i wonder if my family can be like that as well? =(

...and i wonder if I can be like that son in the commercial as well?

only time knows...

a simple yet strong message in this ad :

Love of the family is life's greatest blessing =)

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