Monntag, 10. März 2008
7 Deadly Sins.
Luxuria - Lust
Gula - Gluttony
Avaritia - Greed
Acedia - Sloth
Ira - Wrath
Invidia - Envy
Superbia - Pride
well,at least versi lamany :D baru aj gw baca di, nampakny ada seorang penting dr Vatikan - namany Gianfranco Girotti, typical Italiano name apakah arti sbuah nama?! i'm not Catholic anyway...-ngeluarin daftar versi baru '7 Deadly Sins'...krn katany seh yg versi lama (yg gw list di atas itu...) uda ga aktuel.
n akhirny pihak Vatikan ngeluarin lagi 7 BRAND NEW deadly sins, like the 7 'old' deadly sins are not enough for us...D: this 7 Brand New Deadly Sins uda disesuaikan sama lifestyle n globalisasi era Millenium mnrt gw seh jadiny malah aneh, istilahny dipaksa2in gtu. i personally like the 7 classic dead sins better, especially Lust :D but no,it's not because i'm hypersexual or something like that DX's the new list of the 7 deadly sins - Millenium Edition (alah,kek kartu pokemon Limited Edition aj XD)...btw in Germany,soalny Inggris gw uda kacao jd gw ga yakin bnr klo ditranslate ke Inggris :
1. Drogenhandel und Drogenkonsum - Drugs,Drugs,Drugs...stay away from drugs!D:<
2. Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen - Mishandling from Kids and Teenagers
3. Umweltverschmutzung - Perusakan Lingkungan , go Greenpeace!XD
4. Prostitution - ga usa gw jelasin lg kan artiny ap... :D
5. Genmanipulation - Manipulasi Gen , in this case cm di manusia - manipulasi gen di hewan n tumbuhan masi dibenarkan
6. Profitgier - Gila Profit ; dgn kata lain 'Cari Untung is number One' aka Serakah (bagai ko Akiad?!)
7. Luxus. ini juga ga perlu dijelasin lg kan artiny?XD yes,we love it. I Love it too...does that make me sinful?:D who doesn't love it anyway?! its a human nature...org2 dr Vatikan itu jg klo ditawarin Luxus ya mau2 aj...XD
well that's the NEW 7 Deadly Sins - available NOW!(weks,jadi kek iklan produk2 geje di TV Advertisement neh...)
"5. Genmanipulation - Manipulasi Gen , in this case cm di manusia - manipulasi gen di hewan n tumbuhan masi dibenarkan"
What? Manipulasi gen di hewan dan tumbuhan masih dibenarkan? Kalo alasan manipulasi gen di manusia dilarang itu karena manusia ga sepantesnya menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan untuk alter ciptaan Tuhan, kenapa hewan dan tumbuhan ga dilarang sekalian? Are they not God's creation too?
gw ga mao bdebat ttg masalah 'keagamaan' ky gini...i'm not that religious anyway :D *self proclaimed Atheist,and proud of it...*
tp ga tau y,yg jelas gw dgr itu cm bwat manusia doank ga blh diotakatik genny...hewan ma tmbhan kan uda sering.mgkn gr2 istilahny 'manusia itu makhluk ciptan tuhan yg plg mulia'?
...well,dogs too XD
"...well,dogs too XD"
Well said. Well said.
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