apparently,spring is coming and i'm felling good :D
n what comes with spring?
...well firstly,something that many of those-called-fashionista know better than me - Spring Summer Collection berbagai macam brand ternama mulai bermunculan di mana2 XD baru aj gw ntn siaran singkat ttg Paris Fashion Week di TV Jerman...wew, that haute couture looks really,REALLY...cool yet unwearable (n i wonder why that fashionista just LOVE it?!DX well, i prefer Victoria's Secrets anyway...:D)
and then...cuacany juga overall better. suhu udara di Jerman sini makin hangat... in case u dont know..'Hangat' di sini = 10-15 drajat celcius XD rumput2 uda mulai hijau, kuncup2 daun di pohon mulai bermunculan, bunga2 mulai mekar lagi...hey, i even spotted some blossoming sakura/cherry trees in a cemetery near my house! no kidding -they DO plant cherry trees in cemetery here. tempat yg aneh...tp tetep aj bungany bagus :D
anyway,mary kita hentikan paragraf deskripsi ttg musim semi ini, sblm blog entry gw kali ini jadi mirip sperti tugas2 karangan essay bahasa indonesia smasa SMA ituh DX
tentu aj ada Spring Break aka Liburan Musim Semi aka Frühling-Ferien...my favourite part of Spring XD libur 2 minggu dr skul bahasa gw...serasa spt surga, bebas dr sgala ksibukan n tugas2 di skul bhs gw :D
TOTALLY Free? NO. spt biasa...liburan di sini = Unterrichten OHNE Lehrern ,aka Pelajaran TANPA Guru, ato versi yg lbh enak didenger (n lbh sering digunakan trutama smasa SMA n smasa skolah gtu...D:<) 'Belajar di Rumah'. Damn, Hell no. dalam jangka waktu sminggu trakhir sblm liburan musim semi ini mulai, guru gw di skul bhs langsung MENGGILA ngasi PR2 Liburan, stumpuk fotokopian plus tabel2 n daftar kata2 yg kudu gw hafalin slama liburan 2 minggu ini. hmpfh, as if i will do that >:D
in fact, i'm planning to go Paris with some of my friends,with a little bit of luck i can book a cheap ticket and good hotel there.ha3, jeng rose! jeng seyren! i dare you to be jealous to ME !>:D
last but not least, spring ga cuma berarti saat2ny bunga2 mekar, cuaca bagus spanjang hari, SS Collection bermunculan , saat2ny ngafe tiap Weekend di outdoor cafe dll...
spring also means : INSECTS COMING OUT and POLLEN-FLU (did i spell it right? soalny inggris gw uda rada kacao neh...DX)
tp untungny gw ga alergi serbuk sari n serangga2 di sini jg smwa idiot, jadi nampakny Spring pertama gw ini bakal berlalu dengan indah.
hwah...how lovely the spring can be :D
...na ja...OHNE die Hausaufgabe - WITHOUT the homeworks.
n btw,yes i know...my English is now very, VERY Bad DX
thx for my 6-months-Germany-lessons D:
Jealous? Pfft... Unless you plan to raid Chanel, Prada, and Dior, I don't feel the need to be jealous.
Oh, and next time, you might want to go over your post before you publish it. Your grammar had me grimacing a few times.
yes i know...my English is getting SUPER Bad...thx to my Germany lessons DX
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