Thursday, December 25, 2008

how's your Xmas? :D


first of all, allow me to say ,

singkat-tepat-padat : Frohe Weihnachten, Merry Xmas 2008! ^^

and then,let me ask you one question : 'How's Your Christmas?'

well...let me start by telling mine.

kmaren malam gw diundang sama keluarga temen gw (yang kebetulan dr Jerman) utk merayakan Weihnachten aka Natal , which means gw punya kesempatan merayakan Natal gaya Jerman asli :D datang ke rmh temen gw itu kira2 jam 4 sore (which,in this winter time,boleh dikata uda jam 4 MALAM - soalnya pas Winter thu jam 4an uda gelap DX)

trus gw bantuin mereka ngehias pohon Natal dll...n then mulailah acara utamanya : Xmas Nite's Dinner! XD

menunya sederhana aja,tp simple and clean : home-made winter salad as appetizer , lasagna + roasted turkey for main course and vanilla ice cream + bourbon sauce for dessert.

we ate, we had fun, and than we sung as well. yeah,tradisi malam Natal kluarga Jerman : makan malam bersama kluarga, trus nyanyi lagu Natal (Christmas Caroling).oh,of course in GERMAN.

awal2nya seh gw cengoh aja,ga tau sama skali lagu natal jerman kyk gmn O.O
n then bgtu sampe ke lagu 'Stille Nacht' aka 'Malam Kudus'...(n setelah gw minum bberapa gelas Red Wine :D) barulah gw mulai nyanyi2 ga jelas bersama mereka.

and i did have fun there, singing with them. smwanya nyanyi sekenceng2nya n ga peduli sumbang,fals ato pitch controlnya kacao ... pokoknya smwanya nyanyi n have fun! XD

next,acara buka kado. my friend is so nice, she gave me some small presents as well =)

what did i get? Kaos Kaki (katanya sih supaya pas Winter gw ga kedinginan :D), Coklat and ...


pas ptama kali gw buka posternya, gw rada2 SHOCK : gw bagaikan melihat penjelmaan jeng rose. seakan2 wabah virus Rosemania sudah menyebar sampai ke Jerman! *waks* O_o

well.but that's nice, at least skrg dinding kamar gw ga cuma putih bersih bagaikan dinding kamar RSJ Sumber Waras. and sekarang gw tiap malam tidur ditemani (poster) Marilyn Monroe lol

after all, tahun ini boleh dikata gw mrayakan Natal dengan baik dan benar. that means, ga cuma mrayakan Natal 'di GKY bla3' karena DIPAKSA SEKOLAH. or,mrayakan Natal di rumah bersama Oma2 teman gereja Ama gw yang nyanyi2+khotbahnya smwa dalam bhs MANDARIN.

thx to my dear friend Laurie ^^'s your Christmas then? :D

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Santa...


well,maybe it's too late for me to make a wish to Santa Claus.
and it's too delutional, and too childly.
but can never have enough from their childhood , true? =)

ok goes my wish list (not that much hw3...)

Dear Santa, i wish...ehem2,in no particular order...

1. i could get a place in an Uni in Germany next year. oh,and in a GOOD university for Medicine (and - if it's possible - would you make it in Berlin or Aachen?)

2. i could be back to my beloved country Indonesia. soon. and with the best flight-price. in business class.

3. i could get a nice girl for my girlfriend - coz almost all of my friends had got one already.
n she should have a nice pair of legs , a nice body and a fresh 'high-fashion' face , that i could photograph anytime. alah.

4. i could go to BALI for holiday!!! damn it, my family is in B.A.L.I for XMas + New Year holiday , and i'm STUCK here in Berlin?! Dunia ini sungguh tidak adil.

5. i could buy that damnly cool Nutcracker and Crystal-Snoworb in the 'Weihnachtsmarkt' - with discount! *wah medan gw muncul lagi neh lol*

and finally, i wish i'm not THAT delutional to think that you could make all of my wish come true.
well,maybe just one or two of them , perhaps? i would REALLY love to have that nutcracker and crystal orb :D *setengah berharap*

one more last wish : gw harap bahasa Inggris gw ga makin kacao tahun depan, which you can see in this posting that my English is really,REALLY chaotic now DX

well then...i wish u all Merry Xmas then! Have a nice and blessed Christmas ^^

Frohe Weihnachten alle! :D

*preparing for a traditional ala Germany Xmas party tomorrow nite*

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chinese New Year ad...


Petronas' Chinese New Year Ad

one commercial about Chinese New Year, that REALLY touched my heart (and made me laugh as well lol)

spot iklan sederhana tp menyentuh :
Ama2 sedang ngumpul2 dan makan bareng...lalu mulailah mereka bergosip ria - n tema favorit (typical Chinese) Ama2 : menggembar-gemborkan ttg kesuksesan anak2nya - anaknya dokter lha, lawyer lha, pinter cari duit lha, dll...and guess what?! DALAM DIALEK HOKKIEN XD

which made me laugh , karena gw bnr2 ngerti setiap kalimat di iklan itu (yeah - wa si Hokkien Lang slash Medan Lang tapi bukan ngko2 Glodok,alah) ,
and yet yes,tiap kali Ama gw ngumpul2 sama tmn2nya dan bergosip - ujung2nya akan muncul juga tema 'my son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter is successful , bla3...' itu.

...i wonder if that's a typical Chinese stereotype?XD

anyway...di ujung commercial itu,muncul sebuah mobil tak jelas dari mana - dan itu ternyata adalah anak cowonya salah satu Ama di iklan itu n anaknya selalu ngunjungin dia dan bawa dia jalan2 sama keluarganya.

well...that's really touching.

coz fact is, i think round 90% of working Chinese DON'T do that - they just visit their family (in this case, mom/dad) on CHinese New Year. On the other day of the year?


the fact that the son visits his mom and takes her around with him in a family-trip , well - i wonder if my family can be like that as well? =(

...and i wonder if I can be like that son in the commercial as well?

only time knows...

a simple yet strong message in this ad :

Love of the family is life's greatest blessing =)